At the Sierra Leone Land Administration Project (SLLAP), we are committed to ensuring an effective Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) to address any concerns or complaints related to our project activities. We strive to maintain transparency, accountability, and stakeholder participation throughout the project implementation to ensure the well-being and satisfaction of all stakeholders.
If you have any concerns, complaints, or grievances related to the Sierra Leone Land Administration Project, we encourage you to use the designated channel to report your case. You can submit your complaint by filling out the online complaint form or by contacting our dedicated GRM team via email or telephone. We assure you that your case will be handled with confidentiality, sensitivity, and impartiality.
We are dedicated to creating an enabling environment where stakeholders can voice their concerns, seek resolutions, and have their grievances addressed in a fair and transparent manner. Our Grievance Redress Mechanism is designed to ensure that no genuine complaint goes unheard, and that appropriate actions are taken to address and resolve grievances. Your feedback and engagement are vital in our continuous effort to improve and uphold the highest standards of accountability and transparency in the Sierra Leone Land Administration Project.